• Concors

Fluorescentiae agente EBF (CI185)

At present, EBF is a whitening agent(Optical Brightener) with blue white shade commonly used for polyester, acetate triacetate fibers Jing Lun, polyvinyl chloride fibers and their blends in all stages of process both at home and abroad due to its fastness. Et uber potest etiam propter albentes plastics, coatings etc. est similis unire EBF.

  • Molecule Formula:C18h10n2o2s
  • Molecule quantitas:318,35
  • CI non:CLXXXV
  • CAS non:2866-43-5
  • Product Detail

    Product Tags

    Eget nomen:II, V-bis (II-Benzoxazolylyl) Thiophene

    Molecule formula:C18h10n2o2s

    Molecule quantitas:318,35



    CI non:CLXXXV

    Cas non:2866-43-5


    Species:flavo viridis pulveris

    Colo:Umbra Bishish

    Puritas ≥98%

    Meltentur punctum CCXIX~CCXXI ℃


    I. Potest dissolvi maxime organicum solvendo, λ max = 370nm (in DMF)

    II. Bonum albentes efficientiam et bonam stabilitatem.


    At present, EBF is a whitening agent(Optical Brightener) with blue white shade commonly used for polyester, acetate triacetate fibers Jing Lun, polyvinyl chloride fibers and their blends in all stages of process both at home and abroad due to its fastness. Et uber potest etiam propter albentes plastics, coatings etc. est similis unire EBF.


    Packaged in charribus cum plastic sacci, 25kg inter se. Stored in locus temperatus


    1.The notitia nostra products est pro referat tantum. Nos non responsible pro quolibet inopinatum results aut patent controversia causatur ab eo.

    II. Placere contact noster societatis si habes problems in technology vel application.

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